Today, we are going to find out where can you make passport photo in Prague metro system. We will provide you with the information about locations, price and also about necessary requirements you have to fulfil before you are able to make your passport photo.
Photo booths in Prague metro
These booths are the quickest way to obtain a passport photo. They are cheap and you can find them in many stations, including:
- Line A – Dejvická, Muzeum, Můstek, Náměstí míru
- Line B – Anděl, Černý most, Florenc, Hůrka, Karlovo náměstí, Smíchovské nádraží, Zličín
- Line C – Háje, P. Pavlova, Kačerov, Ládví, Roztyly, Vltavská, Vyšehrad
Be advised, that not all photo booths meet the necessary standards for passport photos. It is therefore better to check, that your photo will be the desired size, or you are risking it will be deemed insufficient by the Prague Public Transit official,
For those interested, we recommend photo booths of PRO-MATIC ČR s. r. o. These booths can be found in several metro stations as well as in main railway station. They meet necessary requirements to be considered a passport photography. The use the most modern digital technology available and are very easy to operate. You can choose one of many languages to communicate with the software and it is also possible to use voice input. It is possible to buy not only passport photos, but also calendar and wide variety of funny filters is available. All booths offer barrier-free access.
Necessary requirements
Blue or white background, clearly distinct from the person pictured.
No headgear or tinted sunglasses are allowed.
Shoulders are required to be shown, although they can be covered.
Person pictured must be facing the camera.
Required size is 35×45 millimetres
There must be at least 2 millimetres gap between end of the head and end of the picture.